04 January, 2010

Ahora empiezan las clases.

Today was the first day of classes. It was really an orientation and placement exam. I am a little intimidated by the fact that I am the only non-native speaker who is not a major in these literature classes.

SPAN 371 and SPAN 495 are literature classes dealing with Argentine writers and South American writers, respectively. We'll see how it goes. The placement test was not as challenging as I thought it would be. My reading comprehension is decent, just my speaking skills in a classroom setting are not up to par with natives. But I will try. Ensayer y lograr.

After the test, there was a short interview or a get to know you. I thought it was like the Spanish Inquisition--a little intimidating. Five teachers and their aides talking to you in a little desk chair about why you chose these calses. They were really nice though. Although I was nervous they can understood me and said not to worry. An odd thing that the teacher mentioned to me, however, was that in Argentina, teachers are called by their first name, and furthermore, it is perfectly acceptable to ask a question in the middle of the lecture if you don't understand something.

My packet of stories and poems is huge. We'll see how it goes tomorrow when classes start for real.

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